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Bloom size - description - height - E-Early- M-Mid- La- Late season bloom. Sev.- Semi evergreen- Dor.- Dormant- Evr.- EvergreenExt.-Extended bloom- Fra.- Fragrant - Re.- Repeat bloom- Tet.-Tetroploid- Dip.- Diplod  

All daylily's sold with at least 2 fans or (plants) 3 fans for small daylilies..


Please click on the picture to enlarge it.

To order:

Email me at: (Preferred)

Alternate email if above doesn't work  

You may download an Order Form on the Daylily Price List Page.

You may also send an order by mail with your check enclosed to :

Davis Daylily Gardens

136 Sunset Ridge Trial

Lowgap NC 27024

Please make checks payable to Davis Daylily Gardens

We also accept Phone orders (336-352-3694)

Daylily's are sold with at least 2 Fans or Plants and 3 fans for small daylilies.

Shipping on all Daylily Orders: Priority Mail $10.50 + $1.00 per plant. California and surrounding states add $2.00 per daylily. (no Credit cards)

I will start shipping April 20 thru October 20th, or as weather permits. 

Daylily's are Guaranteed to be true to name and will grow the first year. If dissatisfied please let me know what the problem is and I will send another daylily at no cost. No refund for shipping. Thank you


136 Sunset Ridge Trail

Lowgap, NC 27024

Winter Hours: 

Please CALL 336-352-3694 to ensure that we will be home, as we do not want to miss your visit. 

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