Davis Daylily Gardens
136 Sunset Ridge Trail
Lowgap NC 27024
State Inspected & Certified
Daylilies are dug and shipped the same day or next depending on the size of the order.
We ship Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday unless otherwise requested.
Click on the Picture below for 2023 PDF Price List.
If there is a different price on the list than the picture, please use the price on the picture. I update the prices on the pictures and if a daylily is being held for increase.
Forever Redeemed
Please click on the picture below to open a Microsoft Order Form for both Iris & Daylily's.
To Order: please send email with list of plants, shipping address and date you would like delivery.
I also accept orders over the phone 336-352-3694.
or you may mail your order along with your check to:
Davis Daylily Gardens
136 Sunset Ridge Trail
Lowgap NC 27024
Preferred Email beckydaylily@surry.net
Alternate Email beckydaylily12@gmail.com
Please click on the picture below to open the Order Form, Thank you.
Strawberry Candy
All Daylilies are sold with at least Two or three Fans or Plants. I dig them personally. Daylilies are shipped the same day or next day depending on size of order. I will ship orders on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday so they will not be in transit over the weekend, or the customer may request a different day.
Please let me know if a mistake is made and I will do my best to make it right.
Some Varieties are in short supply, so place your order SOON.
Thank you for your business.